Like a total loser, Donald Trump just made Elizabeth Warren's electability argument for her

In this article by multiple reporters for The Washington Post, the Post reported that Trump doesn’t have a plan to relieve millions of Americans of crushing student loan debt and fears that Warren could defeat Trump with a progressive populist campaign:

President Trump is demanding aides present a plan to tackle student debt and the rising cost of a college education, worried that he has no response to expansive plans from Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other Democrats he may face on the ballot next year, several administration officials said.


The internal frustrations and failure to come up with a student debt plan are feeding the president’s anxieties that Democrats such as Warren will tap into populist impulses that propelled his 2016 victory, and that he will need policies beyond his signature areas of immigration and trade to counter them.
After seeing Warren (D-Mass.) promise to forgive $640 billion in student debt, Trump began asking Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and White House aides what the administration was doing on the issue, and in August he demanded a blueprint.

“We don’t have a plan,” he complained to aides, according to administration officials.

I’ll summarize the article as best as I can: Donald Trump just made Elizabeth Warren’s electability argument for her. There is no more powerful political force, on the left or the right, than being able to fully tap into populist political energy, and, on issues like student loan debt, Warren is the kind of political candidate who can tap into progressive populist energy. Trump is unable to hide the fact that he has no plan whatsoever to relieve Americans from crushing student loan debt, while Warren has a plan to help relieve the vast majority of Americans of crushing student loan debt, including complete forgiveness of student loan debt for 75% of Americans with student loan debt.

Relieving Americans of their student loan debt will boost the economy, as, those who are currently trying to pay off their student loan debt would be able to spend their money on other goods and services, thus stimulating the economy. Elizabeth Warren has a plan for that. Donald Trump doesn’t.

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