KY-Sen: Hell Has Frozen Over, Ann Coulter Ditches Moscow Mitch & Praises Amy McGrath (D)


Hell has officially frozen over:


On Friday afternoon, conservative commentator Ann Coulter made news by doing something extremely uncharacteristic – endorsing a Democrat. The question is: why?

Coulter, a notoriously provocative, but also independent-minded, conservative commentator, posted a series of Tweets endorsing U.S. Senate candidates for the upcoming November election. While the Tweet endorsing Kris Kobach, the Republican Senate candidate for Kansas, was not surprising, it was the other endorsement that raised eyebrows. In a pair of Tweets, Coulter seemingly endorsed Amy McGrath, the Democratic candidate challenging current Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

“The lovely Amy McGrath is a Marine Corps veteran. The average donation to her campaign is $36. Mitch McConnell is a broken-down old man owed by cheap labor lobbyists. #DefeatMcConnell,” Coulter tweeted.

Coulter followed up a with another Tweet that didn’t explicitly endorse McGrath, but made it clear she believes McConnell should be defeated. Referring to McConnell as a “Republican in name only” (RINO) she encouraged voters to stay home on election day, to seemingly help McGrath win.

There’s more:


Here’s why:



— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 10, 2020


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Let’s keep up the momentum and Ditch Mitch. Click here to donate and get involved with McGrath’s campaign.

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