KY-Sen: Amy McGrath (D) Puts Pressure On Congress To Pass National Vote BY Mail

Received this e-mail from Amy McGrath’s (D. KY) U.S. Senate campaign:

Defending our democracy starts with making sure every eligible American has a chance to make his or her voice heard. But that goal is under serious threat from the COVID-19 crisis, which is already forcing election delays as we saw here in Kentucky. In several states, voters were forced to make an unthinkable choice between their ballot and their health.

This isn’t one of those problems with no good answer—we have an obvious solution in front of us. And millions of Americans put it to use, safely and effectively, in every election: voting by mail.

That’s why I believe it’s critical that states allow every single voter to vote by mail in 2020. If you agree, add your name now and let’s raise our voices together.

This isn’t an outlandish ask. It’s common sense, and already common practice in several states and for Americans overseas or those who can’t physically make it to a polling location. I voted by mail for 24 years while I was in the military, and let me tell you: It works just fine.

I’m proud that Gov. Beshear is making strides to expand mail-in voting for our primary on June 23. And while I sincerely hope that in-person voting will be possible come November, I have to ask: Honestly, when our democracy is at stake, why leave anything to chance?

Voters shouldn’t have to choose between staying safe or voting in this consequential election. Of course, Mitch and his allies have ridiculed the idea of voting by mail—even though many of them frequently take advantage of it themselves.

In the middle of a pandemic, we must take aggressive steps to ensure our democratic process is intact without endangering our communities—add your name to my call to expand voting by mail across the country.

Thank you,

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