Kim Jong-un is playing Trump; Stephen King shows us how

No one in the world other than Donald Trump and his Greek chorus of ass-kissers thinks this administration has accomplished anything on North Korea.

Trump got Kim to sign a worthless piece of paper, just as he did with Marla Maples and Ivana. How did that turn out?

And almost instantly after the first Trump-Kim summit, Trump tried to tell us that we’re all safe now because a brutal dictator whose stock-in-trade is lies and propaganda managed to pretend that having dinner with our current pr*sident isn’t the geopolitical equivalent of watching The Human Centipede on IMAX while shoving stale Milk Duds up your ass.

In other words, Donald Trump is the easiest person on the planet to flatter, and everyone in the world knows it.

Who else knew it? The legendary Sun Tzu:


Meanwhile, some people in our government still have a spine and a brain, and they’re setting off the appropriate alarm bells:


With all due respect, Rep. Schiff, other countries don’t need a full psychological profile of Trump to know that he’ll let you have the entire Korean Peninsula if you tell him his ties make him look thin and he’s got magnificent, naturally human-colored Andre the Giant hands. If you tell him his daughter is super-bangable, he’ll probably throw in Guam and a couple aircraft carriers. Because what the fuck does he care?

Another Trump-Kim summit is just the sort of thing we’ve all been waiting for. If everything goes our way, Kim might even give our pr*sident a reach-around this time.


Yo! Dear F*cking Lunatic: 101 Obscenely Rude Letters to Donald Trump by Aldous J. Pennyfarthing is now available at Amazon! Buy there (or at one of the other fine online retailers carrying it), or be square.


But wait, there’s more! The Fierce, Fabulous (and Mostly Fictional) Adventures of Mike Ponce, America’s First Gay Vice President is also available at Amazon! You can get two great political humor ebooks for less than the price of the coffee you’ll be spitting out on your tablet when you read them!

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