IA, GA, NC, ME & CO-Sen: PFAW Wants To Punish These GOPers For Voting To Confirm Trump's Judges

Received this e-mail today from the People for the American Way:

Fifth Circuit Court Judge Kyle Duncan, a Trump nominee, cast the deciding vote  to allow Texas’s unconstitutional ban on abortions during the coronavirus pandemic.

Republican Senators Ernst, Perdue, Tillis, Collins, and  Gardner voted to confirm him.

ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED (Deadline Today)!

Donate by midnight to make sure their constituents VOTE THEM  OUT so we can flip control of the U.S Senate!»

PFAW's Take Back the Senate Fund and Vote the Courts Campaign are fighting every day to hold Trump and Senate Republicans accountable for their assault on our federal judiciary.

Right now, even as we're battling a global health crisis, Mitch McConnell's mind is on nothing more than confirming more unfit Trump judges … extreme right-wing judges who want to take away not only Americans fundamental rights but their HEALTH CARE as well!

Mitch McConnell says his mantra for the rest of the year is “leave no vacancy behind,” in a nod to judicial confirmations being his top priority, and by the voting records of vulnerable Republican senators in Senate battleground states, we know that they are right there with him. And we're making sure that their constituents know it too, with ads, reports, and a robust press strategy, as well as digital videos, events, and organizing.

We need to raise another $5,115 in the next several hours to keep pace with our budget and we're TRIPLE-MATCHING all online donations to make it happen…

But to get there, we need YOU to step up and claim your piece of the 3X-MATCH before it expires!

Please chip in right now to defeat Trump Republicans and flip the Senate>>

Thanks for everything you do.

— Ben Betz, Digital Director

Click here to donate to PFAW’s Senate fund.

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