Transphobic Rapping Police Officer Offered Music Contract by President Trump

Just when you though Trump’s trolling for votes couldn’t get any more creepy. New Paltz Police Officer Robert Sisco uploaded a video of a rap song he created on Facebook.

After the community protested, Robert Sisco was suspended pending an investagation. But then, President Trump saw his rap on Twitter!

WASHINGTON, DC— Just days after he posted a rap that led to accusations of transphobia, New Paltz Police Officer Robert Sisco received word that the president had seen his video while browsing Twitter and wanted him to perform at the Republican National Convention in Jacksonville.

Sisco said he quickly accepted the invitation and later spoke with the president. “I was feeling really dumb for posting the video, thinking I’d probably lose my job,” he said. “But he told me my song was ‘unbelievable’ and that he was going to hook me up with Kanye!”

Trump Invites Rapping New Paltz Cop to Perform at Republican Convention









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