Former Sen. McCaskill on Ron Johnson: 'What an embarrassing tool!'

I’m a Wisconsin native who moved to the West Coast nearly five years ago, so I have some thoughts on Ron Johnson.

I’ve always said that my fellow Wisconsinites’ rejecting the dedicated and brilliant Russ Feingold for Johnson felt a little like your mom divorcing your dad so she could date Carrot Top.

It made no sense to me then, and it makes even less now.

Indeed, the embarrassment that is Rojo the Clown gets more vivid by the day. Lately, of course, this necromancer of fucknuttery has been trying to resurrect the bullshit Hunter Biden “scandal,” even as COVID-19 (a real crisis that falls under his jurisdiction as chair of the Homeland Security Committee) continues to terrorize the country.

Well, former Sen. Claire McCaskill has noticed his goofy hijinks and let loose this morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe:

“Allow me to pop off on Ron Johnson here. What a joke! What an embarrassing tool! He is chairman, think about this, chairman of the Homeland Security Committee! Right? He has jurisdiction over coronavirus and the federal response. Is he calling a hearing? Is he trying to figure out why first responders’ tests aged on a shelf in the state of Washington until they were no longer good? Is he going to tell people why they can’t get the test? No. Even though it’s not in his committee’s jurisdiction — the Judiciary Committee is not issuing subpoenas on Hunter Biden. The Foreign Affairs Committee is not issuing subpoenas on Hunter Biden. No! This joke Ron Johnson is actually politicizing a committee that right now should have one focus: What is going on with the United States of America’s federal response to the coronavirus? People should be really angry about this.”

Oh, we are angry, Sen. McCaskill.

And we’re gonna do something about it.

Unfortunately, Rojo isn’t up for reelection for another two years, but we can take his chairmanship away by taking back the Senate this year. And we will. We just have to believe.

Go here for the video.

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