Example “A” for Why Democratic Voters and the Resistance Should IGNORE Cries of “SOCIALISM!”

You know the Resistance and progressives are making political headway when conservatives and their allies start to scream “SOCIALISM!”  It’s the 2nd best bogeyman for the GOP to use agasint Democrats next to such other conservative hits as communism, Muslims, Kenya, Black Lives Matter, ACORN, and …etc, etc, etc.  Oh, and let’s not forget it’s buddy “Out of the Mainstream!”  Conservatives and their allies in the Media are really starting to beat the drums on this.  

  • James “I fucked the entire country over” Comey has tweeted that Democrats should not embrace socialism and fuck up the midterms.  We are to listen to his divinely inspired political judgement on elections.
  • Joe “ George W. Bush kisser now turned Trump Lover” Lieberman is telling people to write in Crowley to defeat Ocasio-Cortez in the midterms.  Lieberman stopped being a Democrat many years ago, and we are to take his advice.
  • Kasie Hunt of MSNBC has been talking down Ocasio-Cortez and embracing the “Democrats are moving to far to the left!” narrative.
  • Noah Rothman of Commentary magazine was on MTP and announced that Democrats were moving out the mainstream.  He cited such awful things as Democrats pushing for a “government takeover of healthcare.”  Yeah, Im going to listen to some would be libertarian on being out of the political mainstream.

And this all happened in the last week.  

As has been pointed out time and time again, many of the issues that progressives and Democrats advocate, especially economic ones, a majority of Americans support.  Yes, we are going to run into fierce opposition on social and cultural issues.  But not all.  Last time I looked, 67% of Americans do not want to see Roe v Wade overturned.  But Democrats are not the ones actively working on taking a woman’s right to privacy.

So who is out of the mainstream here?

This is why I have advocated that we in the progressive movement and Resistance not fall for the BS from conservatives, their allies in the Media, or concern trolls.  

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