Does the mysterious whistleblower complaint have to do with Trump's attempt to stop Joe Biden?

Until all the facts are revealed (assuming they ever are; Trump’s consigliere, Bill Barr, is on this), we’re left with mere speculation about the whistleblower complaint involving Donald Trump and a foreign leader.

Here’s one plausible scenario, from Susan Simpson, a Washington attorney and blogger.

I have no idea if there’s anything to this, but it sure seems plausible.





There seems to be a  lot of smoke here. Zelensky’s spokesperson recently replied “no comment” when asked whether Trump pressured Zelensky to investigate Biden. So that’s not exactly a denial, is it? 


This is getting curiouser and curiouser.

Needless to say, if Trump tried to use his office to force an ally to take down a political opponent, that’s impeachable. At the very least.

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