CA-25: Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D. IN) Helps Christy Smith (D) Pull Off A Huge Special Election Victory

Received this e-mail today from former presidential candidate, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigeg (D. IN), in support of State Assemblywoman Christy Smith’s (D. CA-25) congressional campaign to take over Katie Hill’s (D. CA-25) vacant seat:

Christy Smith (D. CA-25)

This November is going to be the most important election in our lifetimes. It's about moving forward versus staying trapped in chaos, and it's an opportunity to adjust our country's moral compass.

But there is another important election coming up even sooner.

Democrats are fortunate to have Christy Smith running in the special election for California's 25th House district.

This is the first Toss-Up congressional election in the wake of this global crisis, and it is crucial that Christy Smith is elected on May 12th. We need leaders like her in Congress making the important decisions about how we recover from this pandemic.

Special elections get a lot of attention, and special interest groups have pledged to put a lot of money into this race to help Christy's opponent. We need you to step up today to make sure we send Christy to Congress.

So I'm asking you today to join me in supporting Christy Smith. Can you make a contribution of $5 or any amount you can to her campaign?

This race will be a bellwether: If we win, it will show that the country is ready for new leadership; ready for a government that respects each and every one of us; ready to be led with dignity, especially during times of crisis.

We need adults at the table making the decisions. Leaders who will cut through hyper-partisan rhetoric, put their heads down, and get to work to help people get through this unprecedented crisis.

Christy will be that leader — but right now Republicans are spending $1 million on TV ads to stop Christy from getting there. And now the race is officially a “Toss-Up” by Cook Political Report, Politico, and Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball.

I'm ready to see people like Christy in Congress — can you chip in today to make sure she's in this fight with us?

Thanks so much,

Pete Buttigieg

Click here to donate to Smith’s campaign.

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