AK-Sen: James Carville Helps Dr. Al Gross (I) End Moscow Mitch's Reign Of Terror

Received this e-mail today from Democratic strategist, James Carville, in support of Dr. Al Gross’ (I. AK) U.S. Senate campaign:

Dr. Al Gross (I. AK)

Hey there,

Here's what I wrote in an op-ed for NBC: Dr. Al Gross has one of the best political bios in history.
I'm not running around saying that about everybody. I barely say that about anybody. But let me tell you that if anything prepares you for a career as an effective senator, it's facing off against a grizzly bear or two.

Dr. Al Gross is a man who has a lot of experience — as a doctor, as a commercial fisherman, and as a guy who knows how to fix a broken status quo. I respect that and every day I'm seeing his Senate race become more and more important.

Recent polling shows that this race is tied — you heard that right — Dr. Al Gross is tied with Dan Sullivan. And the Cook Political Report and Center for Politics have officially moved Alaska to the battleground map.

But everything depends on you now: Will you chip in $5 or more to help Dr. Al Gross beat Dan Sullivan?

This race in Alaska started out with a good candidate who has a strong background and solid plans. Now it could be the cornerstone of a historic election that takes control of the Senate out of Mitch McConnell's hands. The electoral map is shifting every day and pundits are struggling to keep up — but one thing we keep seeing is that this Senate race is at the heart of it.

I know that right now, it feels like we're a little too much a part of history. And that while we wait out the impacts of a global pandemic every dollar counts more than it ever did before. But this is the one chance you'll get to ditch Mitch McConnell and make your voice heard in Washington in a new way — so if you can pitch in, now is the time.

Donate to help Dr. Al Gross win and flip the Senate.

This race is a big one. It's about Dr. Gross but it's also about the whole Senate and the nation — McConnell is scared of one Senate race right now, and it's this one. So if you can, please chip in.


James Carville

Click here to donate to Dr. Gross’ campaign.

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