Uber-wealthy 'Sidewalk Sally' assaults family in park over one-year old sitting on sidewalk

“BBQ Becky.” “Permit Patty.” ”Pool Patrol Paul.” ”Cornerstore Caroline.”

I guess i should be numb to this by now, yet this one tears into me.  Jumping out of your Jag to yell about a baby sitting on the effing sidewalk is apparently a thing now. 

Kelyn and Isaiah Allen tried to take a few photos in a popular Houston park to commemorate their daughter’s first birthday. Instead, the mother was forced to take video of a crying one-year old who had to witness her father getting struck by a “socialite” who lost it—because the baby was “obstructing the sidewalk.”


If you are a normal person who sees someone doing a photoshoot on a sidewalk, you would likely walk around them and leave them in peace. 

If you are Franci Neely, the divorced wife of the Houston Astros owner, who got tens of millions in the divorce settlement, you feel entitled and can’t even drive down the street and allow a baby to have a few pictures on her birthday in peace.

As you can see on the video, she physically drags the props away and strikes the father.  

Note that she didn’t call the police—but I am assuming that’s because she knows it’s a public park. Apparently, the Homeowner’s Association has tried to limit access to the park, but the city wasn’t having it.

Houston Public Works told ABC 13, “The esplanades of Broadacres are part of a public city of Houston right-of-way. The Broadacres Homeowners Association cannot block the esplanades from public use. Anyone with concerns about members of the public blocking a public right-of-way are asked to call 311.”

Her Houston Arts Fair bio says she “spends much of her time as a community volunteer and philanthropist.” I’d settle for her just leaving people in peace.

All I’m saying is that if you call the police over a false crime, or in this case, physically assault a family over a nonexistent crime, you should go to jail. Period.

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