NC-09: Rep. Adam Schiff (D. CA) Refuses To Let The GOP Steal This New Election From Dan McCready (D)

Received this e-mail today from Rep. Adam Schiff (D. CA-29) in support of Dan McCready's (D. NC-09) campaign:


Dan McCready (D. NC-09)

Remember when I reached out last December and told you about the shocking reports of voter fraud by Republicans coming out of North Carolina’s 9th District?

Well, it turns out those reports were only the beginning. A consultant retained by the Republican candidate’s campaign hired people to collect voters’ absentee ballots door to door, even instructing voters to leave the ballots unsealed and not filled out. That means these ballots could have been manipulated or simply thrown away.

Republicans have been crying “voter fraud” at every opportunity, suppressing legitimate voters across the country. And now it turns out that the most extensive and significant election fraud operation in recent memory was conducted on behalf of the GOP. Why are we not surprised?

Yesterday, a new election was officially ordered for NC-09, giving the voters an opportunity to truly make their voices heard, and giving us the chance to flip another House seat from red to blue.

Will you chip in $5 or more right now to help Democrat Dan McCready, a terrific candidate and a former U.S. Marine, have the resources necessary to win this special election in NC-09?

In this toss-up race, Dan trailed his opponent by only 905 votes. Imagine what he could do in a clean election. With your help, Dan will be ready to fight for this seat, and this time, it will be a fair fight.



Click here to donate to McCready’s campaign.

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