Old Biden Clip Resurfaces – A MUST See!

There is a story making the rounds on Twitter now — a video from 2018 has resurfaced. It’s Biden comforting people after the Parkland shooting.

Footage of Joe Biden comforting Parkland families circulates on social media

The clip shows former Vice President Joe Biden with survivors and their families at an event held just after the shooting. In the clip, Biden shakes hands with Debra “Debbi” Hixon, who explains she’s the widow of Chris Hixon, the heroic coach who died trying to save students in the shooting.
After his exchange with Debbi Hixon, while Biden is walking away from the families, the Hixons' son Corey runs after Biden for a hug. Biden immediately embraces him,

 Anne Chaudry's Twiiter (dKos is being difficult, so this link is the best I can do.) Also Gabrielle Giffords posted it on her Twitter feed.

Have a couple of tissues handy.

There is something just so incredibly decent about Joe Biden that would be an asset in any election, but all the more so now after four years of foul-mouthed p***sy-grabbing malignant narcissism. Spreading this video should get joe Biden another 5-10 points up in the polls.

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