NC-09: Elizabeth Warren (D. MA) Helps Dan McCready (D) Win His Do-Over Election

Received this e-mail from U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D. MA) in support of Dan McCready’s (D. NC-09) campaign:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D. MA)

Republicans love to pretend that “voter fraud” is a national crisis. They use it as an excuse to pass racist voter ID laws, purge voting rolls, and make it harder for people – especially people of color, poor people, and people with disabilities – to vote.

But they’re keeping quiet now that there’s serious evidence of potential election fraud helping a Republican House candidate in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District.

After November 6th, it looked like Democrat Dan McCready, a Marine Corps veteran and small business owner, had fallen just short after coming within 1,000 votes of defeating his Republican opponent.

Now, though, we’re learning about a possible criminal conspiracy where GOP operatives might have collected and destroyed, or just failed to turn in, over 1,000 absentee ballots – effectively stealing people’s votes.

Dan McCready just withdrew his concession so he can fight to get to the bottom of this potential election fraud and make sure every voter’s voice in the North Carolina 9th gets heard fairly. The situation is so serious that the state might even call a new election.

But Dan’s campaign already spent every penny they could before November 6th. It’s like they ran a marathon only to see the finish line pulled back another ten miles. Will you chip in whatever you can afford to make sure Dan McCready can keep fighting for this House seat? Even $4 would make a difference.

We can’t let this potential election fraud stain our democracy – and Dan is a candidate worth fighting for.

After 9/11, Dan felt called to serve our country and defend our democracy by joining the Marines. Back home in North Carolina, he and another Marine started a small business helping build solar farms across the state.

Now, Dan feels called to serve the working families of the 9th District – and he’s still defending our democracy by fighting to make sure every voter’s voice gets heard.

This race gets to our fundamental values as Americans. Voting is the beating heart of our democracy. We can’t let anyone’s vote be stolen or voice be silenced.

Please chip in right now to help Dan McCready keep fighting in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District.

Thanks for being a part of this,


Click here to donate to McCready’s campaign.

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