CA-25: Hillary Clinton Helps Christy Smith (D) Take Down Trump's GOP In Next Week's Special Election

Received this e-mail yesterday from Hillary Clinton in support of  Christy Smith’s (D. CA-25) congressional campaign in the special election next week to fill Katie Hill’s (D. CA-25) seat:


I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well during this time.

There's a key special election coming up in California on May 12th, and I'm happy to support Christy Smith in her race to win this seat.

Christy has been an effective public servant from the school board to the CA Assembly, and we need leaders like her in Congress now more than ever.

Help Christy protect this “toss-up” seat! She is working to raise $1 million online by her special election on May 12th — can you help her get there?

Americans need leaders who will manage the COVID-19 crisis with the compassion, competence, and respect for science it will take to save lives and revive the economy.

The response to the pandemic we have seen from Donald Trump is a disgrace to our country. And the last thing we want right now is to give him a sense of momentum going into his re-election.

Instead, we need people in Congress who will put their heads down and get to work to come up with the solutions we need to get our country safely through this pandemic and onto the next phase of reopening our schools, businesses, and economies.

We need proven leaders like Christy Smith — and I'm ready to see her get to work in Congress right away.

So join me in supporting my friend Christy in the lead up to her special election on May 12th.

Thank you for supporting strong women in their quest to run for office and change the world. We need more of them in politics.

— Hillary Clinton

Click here to donate to Smith’s campaign.

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