Weekly Recap: Equality For All Means All

In solidarity,  Mike Hersh for Alan, Shayna, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Mike F., Dr. Bill, Dan, and Janis—your PDA national team.

Tell Congress We Demand Equality
Including Full Reproductive Choice!

Last week, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) activists rocked the California Democratic Convention, rallied for Medicare For All and packed the Ways and Means hearing room—then helped organize two webinars to gain support for MFA, supported Bernie Sanders at his historic speech, announced our endorsement of two highly qualified progressives for Congress, and continued mobilizing for progress on several important issues!

This week, we need your time, effort, and generous support to keep pushing for progress. PDA invites you to contact Congress to demand equality for all and accountability for Trump, plus voice your support for Medicare For All, preventing gun violence, ending war—and more!

TELL CONGRESS: PASS LEGISLATION TO PROTECT REPRODUCTIVE CHOICE: Extremist politicians have been waiting for an opportunity to undermine Roe v. Wade since it was decided in 1973. Several states have signed unconstitutional abortion bans. Click Here to tell Congress to prohibit any government entity from denying, interfering with, or discriminating against reproductive choice.

Pitch In To Help Keep PDA Organizing

Tell Congress To Protect Reproductive Choice!

PDA is committed to guaranteeing equality for all. We were among the first national organizations to endorse the “Three State Strategy” for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). We helped organize support for the ERA on Capitol Hill and various unratified states and now we’re just one state away from ratification. Click Here to tell your Representative and Senators to cosponsor the joint congressional resolutions to guarantee equality under the law.

This past Wednesday, the House Ways and Means Committee held a hearing on healthcare reform, including the Medicare For All Act. The hearing went amazingly well, thanks to organizing by our powerful Medicare For All working group! Help PDA gain cosponsors for the House MFA bill and Senate legislation.

MFA will provide healthcare for all of us, with no out-of-pocket expenses: no premiums, co-pays, cap, or deductibles. Complete care, including, mental, dental, vision, prescriptions, medical devices, preventative, women’s health, long-term care, and more that will save 10,000s of U.S. lives and 100s of $billions each year.

Call Congress at 202-858-1717 and Click Here to tell your Representative to Cosponsor Rep. Jayapal’s and Rep. Debbie Dingell’s Medicare For All Act. Also, Click Here to tell your Senators to cosponsor Sen. Bernie Sanders’s MFA bill.

Also this past Wednesday, PDA stood with Bernie Sanders as he made a historic speech defining Democratic Socialism as rooted in the legacies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Martin Luther King, Jr. After an overwhelming vote to endorse Bernie, PDA is proud to mobilize Bernie supporters with our We Want Bernie campaign Click Here to contact Mike Fox and get involved with our regular organizing calls, events, and other efforts.

Not a Bernie supporter? No worries. We’re always working on Healthcare Not Warfare, Windmills Not Weapons, and battling the Trump Regime at every turn. If you’d like to volunteer for those campaigns, let Mike Fox know.

Last month, PDA activists voted overwhelmingly to support impeachment investigations against Trump. Please Click Here to email your congressperson in support of Representative Rashida Tlaib’s Impeachment investigations resolution. This weekend, there are local events supporting accountability/ impeachment hearings. Click Here to contact Mike Fox and get involved with impeach Trump events and other efforts.

Long after hurricanes ravaged their homes, our sisters and brothers in the Caribbean remain in peril. Please take action now! Click Here to tell Congress to help the people of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

PDA helps you make a huge difference with Educate Congress letter drops, action alerts, and coalition efforts with dozens of progressive organizations. Click Here to email Mike Fox. He’ll help you get involved with our letter drops and other direct actions.

We appreciate all you do to help make progress on these and other issues. If you’ve never donated to help PDA help you pressure our elected officials, now is the perfect time. We need your support more than ever. Click Here to support PDA’s issue organizing.


PS: Click Here to watch PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky’s interview about PDA’s goals and plans. Join PDA investing early to recruit and elect progressives in 2020

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