CA-Gov: Rep. Ted Lieu (D) Brilliantly Trolls Uninformed Idiot On Twitter With A Politics 101 Lesson

Fail: REALITY BITES: That didn’t take long. Reality TV star and political neophyte Caitlyn Jenner was about 24 hours into the rollout of her California gubernatorial campaign this weekend when she posted her first major campaign gaffe on social media. Jenner, expressing outrage about a San Francisco Chronicle story involving SF DA Chesa Boudin’s record on domestic violence…

A mini-lesson in how media treat Black victims and white perpetrators

Needless to say, this is appalling. NY Post’s really showing its hand — Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) August 27, 2020 See? Kyle Rittenhouse simply wanted to help. He’s a good (i.e., white) boy deep down. I mean, we can understand Rittenhouse, right? He’s a vigilante! Like Batman! Gotham is corrupt, y’all! Tucker: How shocked are…

This Doctor infected by COVID-19 teaches us an important lesson.

Dr. Joseph Fair was meticulous in staying disinfected and following the protocols to avoid COVID-19. Yet, this doctor could not escape an environment conducive to spread. This doctor illustrates why we are not ready x x YouTube Video Watch full episodes here. It is clear that a doctor working day in and day out with…

Surprise! Sen. Murkowski not sure Trump has learned his lesson

Let’s see, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted to block witnesses in Donald Trump’s impeachment trial and also voted to acquit our ocher overlord. And now Trump is on a rampage, interfering in the sentencing of his cronies, firing witnesses, and generally behaving as if he’s above the law. What say you, Sen. Murkowski? REPORTER 1:…

ABC News learns painful lesson: Trump's a TV ratings flop

Anyone surprised that ABC News' Sunday night hour-long prime-time special featuring Donald Trump was something of a ratings debacle has been badly misled by the Beltway press, which for years has been pushing a GOP-friendly myth that the president translates into huge ratings, and that Americans can't get enough of his antics. In reality, nothing could…

“Repentant abusers”: roll20, reddit, and an object lesson

Most people here probably aren’t familiar with roll20. It’s a website that provides a sort of shared space for people to play tabletop roleplaying games (like Dungeons & Dragons) online. It’s built well-enough, and has become quite popular; it’s a great way for groups of people who took up the hobby together to keep in…