IL-13, CA-45 & CA-49: DFA Goes All In To Stop The GOP From Defeating These Progressive Democrats


Received this e-mail from Democracy for America:

Our House majority is in jeopardy.

The GOP is spending buckets of dark money dollars to flip vulnerable seats red and take back the House in 2020. That’s why we’re announcing three more endorsements today to protect and expand the House Majority in 2020.

Lauren Underwood (IL-14) is a nurse who helped implement the Affordable Care Act and ran for office after the GOP voted to strip her health care away. She has introduced legislation to support Black Maternal Health and increased mental health support for veterans. With Republicans still plotting to rip health care from millions of people with pre-existing conditions (just like Lauren), it’s never been more important that we protect her seat.

Katie Porter (CA-45), a former professor and fierce consumer advocate, has consistently stood up to Republican bullies, calling them out for their sheer incompetence and discriminatory policies that hurt everyday Americans. Now that Katie supports impeachment, the GOP establishment is ramping up their attacks to steal back her vulnerable seat.

Mike Levin (CA-49) ran a strong race as an unapologetic progressive and flipped a Republican stronghold last cycle. Since then, he’s been a progressive champion in the House and one of the first supporters of the Green New Deal and Medicare for All. But the NRCC has already labeled him as one of their “TOP offensive targets” for 2020, doing whatever it takes to kick him out of office and flip this seat back red.

Last cycle, we endorsed these amazing candidates and, with your support, helped them win their competitive elections. But don’t be fooled, the GOP has been plotting ways to flip these seats ever since — already Lauren and Katie each have SIX Republican challengers and Mike has TWO so far.

Can you imagine how much worse things would be if the GOP took back control of the House?? The path to keeping the House blue runs straight through these districts, that’s why we have to ask:

Will you rush a donation now between DFA and these three progressive champions? Your grassroots support keeps us fighting for a House majority that will continue to hold this administration accountable and put an end to Trump’s political charade. Each time you step up and chip in, we get one step closer to doing that.

Together, we flipped these districts in 2018. Now, we need your help once again to give them the resources to get out the vote, maintain their seats, and move our progressive agenda forward.

Thanks for chipping in,


Yvette Simpson, CEO
Democracy for America

Click here to donate to Underwood, Porter and Levin’s campaigns.

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