
IL-13: AOC & DFA Keep Up The Momentum For Marie Newman (D) To Defeat An Anti-Choice Blue Dog

Received two e-mails in support of Marie Newman’s (D. IL-13) campaign. First, from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D. NY-14):

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D. NY-14)

When we started Courage to Change, we knew that the fight to elect working-class candidates would be difficult. Not everyone would win, and seeing courageous community leaders lose is hard. It hurts.

But we can’t dwell on the past. People across the country are hurting under a system that puts profits above people. We owe it to them to give it our absolute best to build a democracy that works for everyone.

So we’re jumping right back into the fight: Marie Newman (IL-03) is running against anti-choice Democrat Dan Lipinski. Last cycle, she lost by less than two points. That’s not happening this time.


Marie’s primary is on March 17th. Split a $3 donation between Marie Newman and AOC’s reelection campaign right now and help us replace one of the sole anti-choice Democrats in Congress.

Having Dan Lipinski in Congress single-handedly gives bipartisan cover to anti-choice legislation. Just a few months ago, he co-signed a letter alongside more than a hundred Republicans to get the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Why settle for a Democrat like that when we could have Marie Newman, a local activist and champion for reproductive rights? As we speak, her canvassing team is working day and night to compete against Dan Lipinski’s flood of corporate PAC money.

Let’s help Marie win. Can you split a donation between Marie and Alexandria right now and end Dan Lipinski’s anti-choice crusade in Congress?

We have less than two weeks to make a difference here. That’s why taking action today is so important.

Yours in the fight,

Team AOC

Click here to donate Newman’s campaign.

I also received this e-mail from Democracy for America:


Yesterday, Yvette reached out to you about the latest Republican lawsuit trying to wipe out Roe v. Wade in the Supreme Court. With these continued attacks on abortion access in state legislatures, the courts, and Congress, it’s all the more reason why we need to elect more pro-choice Democrats and kick out those who vote against a woman’s right to choose.

And we have the perfect opportunity to do so this month by replacing anti-choice, fake Democrat Rep. Dan Lipinski with progressive champion Marie Newman in Illinois’s third congressional district.

The Democratic primary is coming up in less than two weeks, which means time is running out for Marie’s campaign to knock on doors, make calls, and reach voters before they head to the polls on Tuesday, March 17th.

If you believe abortion is a right that should be defended by our Democrats in Congress, pitch in a contribution to DFA and Marie now to help her over the finish line and kick Lipinski out of office this March!

Marie isn’t just a champion for reproductive choice: she supports Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and other bold progressive policies that we need to systematically change the country and lift our communities up.

Lipinski on the other hand proudly attends the March for Life and has voted for abortion bans, plus he voted against the Affordable Care Act and thinks things like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal are the policies of a “far-left extremist.”

This so-called Democrat has clearly lost touch with his party and his constituents, and this is our chance to replace him with new progressive leadership.

With just eleven days left until the people of Illinois vote in the Democratic primary, rush $10 or whatever you can to support DFA and Marie now >>



Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America

Click here to donate to Newman’s campaign.

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