Frequently Asked Questions: Our New Petition Platform


We are upgrading our petition system! Please take a look at the FAQs below:

The new system:

Will the petition site be down during the upgrade?

  • Yes. Certain MoveOn petition pages will be down beginning Monday, December 9 while we complete the upgrade. This means you won’t be able to sign or share petitions or log in to manage petitions on the old system. The entire upgrade process will take up to 48 hours, and petitions should be back online at that time.

Why are you moving to a new petition system?

  • We made the decision to upgrade our petitions platform in order to give you a faster, more reliable way to run petition campaigns.

Will my existing petitions still be available?

  • Yes! Your previous petitions should be migrated over to the new system with all of your signer information. This process should be complete on December 11.

Will my previous petition creator login credentials work?

  • No, you’ll need to set up a new password for the new system ONCE we send you an account activation link. Please be on the lookout for an email from with “IMPORTANT” in the subject line.

Will I be able to email my signers from previous petitions?

  • Yes, you can still email your signers from your previous petitions. If you have multiple petitions and have a standard petition creator account, you’ll need to email your supporters one petition at a time. If you have a partner or superuser account, you’ll have the option of emailing your signers from all petitions at once.

Can I start a new petition before I get my activation link?

Can I add an image to my petition?

  • Yes! You can log into your account, edit your petition, and add an image. You’ll also have the option of adding an image when you create a new petition. When choosing your image, please make sure to review our community guidelines and Terms of Use:

Help! My petition text looks like it’s cut off.

  • If your petition text is cut off in any section, we encourage you to log into your account to edit your petition! Some petition text may have been shortened during the upgrade in order to fit within our new character limits.


About petitions:

What’s the difference between an update and mailing my signers?

  • An update will be posted publicly on the petition page but will not notify your existing signers. Updates are great for things to share with potential signers, like news or messages from your decision-maker.

  • Mailing signers will send an email directly to those who already signed your petition. This is the best way to ask them to take a follow-up action, such as calling your decision-maker or joining you for a petition delivery.

How do people leave comments on my petition?

  • You or others can leave comments by filling in the “Why does this matter?” text box AFTER signing. These will show up on your petition page under “Reasons for signing.”

I don’t see the signature thermometer on my petition. Where is it?

  • The signature thermometer will be visible after you reach five signatures.

I didn’t sign my petition after I created it, but it says I did. Is this a mistake?

  • No, you automatically are the first person to sign your petition upon creating it.

Can I edit my petition after it’s published?

  • Yes! You can do this through your account. However, editing your petition after it has been published and reviewed will move it BACK into the queue for review by staff.

Can people contact me about my petition?

  • Yes, signers can contact you about your petition via email by using the form on your petition. Your email address will NOT be shared unless you reply from your personal email account.

How will decision-makers see my petition?

  • The best way to share your petition with decision-makers is to deliver it.

Can I remove a comment after I post it?

  • You can’t do this yourself, but we can help. Email us at petitions at with the link to the petition and the email address you used to sign it, and we can remove your comment for you. Please note that we cannot edit comments; we can only remove them entirely.

I have another question that isn’t listed here.

  • Email us at petitions at and we’ll be happy to help.

The post Frequently Asked Questions: Our New Petition Platform appeared first on MoveOn.Org | Democracy In Action.

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