“brushing history against the grain”… what did happen to a purse made from Nat Turner's skin

A new book suggests now the necessity of reexamining the historical materialist project of Walter Benjamin recognizing those moments of historical contact as acts of recognizing the constructed historical object. “Historicism tends to be hermeneutic because it values cautious, rigorous, and contextualized interpretation of information; or relativist, because it rejects notions of universal, fundamental and immutable interpretations.[3]” Here’s an…

The FBI has swept up the phone records of lawmakers in DC and is treating some of them as suspects.

According to reporting from The Intercept, the FBI secured the records of lawmakers and their staff just hours after the violent attempted coup by Trump supporters against the United States of America in the US Capitol on January 6th. Phone records include suspected collaborators within Congress. The data is non-content and includes “pings’ from cell phones in the area. Some…

FBI report issued day before riots warned of 'war' at the Capitol

Who could have ever predicted this? I mean, who other than anyone who glimpsed at Parler for five minutes or saw Donald Trump speak before his horde of whiny orcs? You’ll never believe this, but apparently there was every indication that violence was brewing prior to the actual violence that erupted last Wednesday in the…

Four Key VA State Senate Districts Surveyed and Democrats Lead by 14%

cnu.edu/… The Judy Wason Center polled four key State Senate districts that may determine control of the Virginia legislature in the November 5th election and found that Democrats lead the generic ballot by 14%. When asked who do they want to control the legislature, Democrats win by 13%. Independents prefer Democratic candidates by 45% to…

Virginia hotel manager canned one day after launching racist rant

Instant … x This is how a racist manager spoke to a black customer at a DaysInn in Norfolk, Virginia. This bigotry is unacceptable. This employee must be fired immediately @daysinn. pic.twitter.com/UdQW8IpElK — Simar (@sahluwal) April 21, 2019 Karma … x Hello, Please be advised the employee in this video has been terminated from his…

Syria: It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Bombing [Updated]

No lead-in needed; we all know what’s happened, and we all know what looks to be in the works.  Let’s get into the news, but first, let’s get into the players (if you already know all this, feel free to skip): Syria / Assad: No introduction needed. Controls generally the western/southwestern 2/3rds of the country,…