AZ, MT, CO & ME-Sen: Former Sen. Barbara Boxer (D. CA) Returns To Unseat 4 Of Trump's GOPers

Received this e-mail today from former U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D. CA):

Our country owes a debt of gratitude to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer.

Thanks to their tireless negotiations and standing firm for core Democratic principles, Congress passed a stimulus package today that will benefit hardworking families and the most vulnerable among us first. These are just some of the critical benefits included in the package:

  •       A direct cash infusion based on income of up to $1,200 for individuals and $3,400 for a family of four
  •       Allowing borrowers to request up to a 180-day forbearance for their mortgage
  •       Temporary suspension of federal student loan payments for up to six months
  •       New loans for small businesses, which will be forgiven if they keep employees on the job
  •       $100 billon in financial support for our struggling hospitals, doctors, and nurses who are on the front lines of this crisis

It’s because of Democrats in Congress hanging tough that families facing financial ruin can make it through the next few months. Republicans used every tool available to scuttle these vital benefits, including at one point demanding that companies receiving a federal bailout be able to use those funds for stock buybacks and executive compensation – while continuing to lay off workers!

This is just the latest reminder of why it is IMPERATIVE that we expand our Democratic majority in the House and take back the Senate in 2020.

We’ve identified the first four competitive Senate seats that we have a chance to take back in 2020:

And while we’ve already sent some financial support to these campaigns, we’re asking you to chip in whatever you can TODAY — even if it's just a dollar — to help us expand our program.

This is our time to step up. With the uncertainty caused by both a global pandemic and financial crisis, it’s up to us to make sure these campaigns have the support they need. We plan to tell the truth about the incumbent Republican Senators and let the voters know about the positive vision Democrats have for this country.

In friendship,

Barbara Boxer

Click here to donate to Kelly, Bullock, Hickenlooper, and Gideon’s campaigns.

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