The Kurdistan situation, part I: History

While I’ve spent the last couple days writing about events in Spain, it’s important to remember the other major separatist/independence news story: Kurdistan. So, while Catalonia engages in am organized “work stoppage” (to avoid restrictions on official “general strikes”), let’s take a look at Kurdistan.  As before, let’s start off with some history and background….

Are There Other Options? Pt. 1

Conservatives, argues researcher Philip Tetlock of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, are less tolerant of compromise; see the world in ‘us’ versus ‘them’ terms; are more willing to use force to gain an advantage; are ‘more prone to rely on simple (good vs. bad) evaluative rules in interpreting policy issues;’ are ‘motivated…

Dear Republicans Words Do Effing Matter. I Do Blame You.

I am tired of this, you have a stage, you have air time, you have a certain air of respectability, then all you do with that is preach hate supported by lies. Hatred of the poor and homeless Hatred of LGBT Hatred of immigrants Hatred of people of color Hatred of women Hatred of Muslims…

Hillary Clinton is Taking Democrats Backward on Climate Change

When Barack Obama announced his Presidential campaign in Springfield, Illinois he spoke of climate change. Let's be the generation that finally frees America from the tyranny of oil. We can harness homegrown, alternative fuels like ethanol and spur the production of more fuel-efficient cars. We can set up a system for capping greenhouse gases. We…

Nobody Likes Being A Guinea Pig

Especially when they know they're being used as a guinea pig against their own best interests. Guinea Pigs used in research never end up living happier, healthier lives either. The scientists and financial backers slap each other on the back and tell each other, “Oh well, better luck next time,” and then they go in…