Another Walmart, another man with loaded weapons

this time in Springfield MO.

You can read all the details, and see the relevant video, here.

A young man drove into the parking lot, donned body armor over military fatigues and went into the store with loaded tactical weapons and 100 rounds of ammunition.

He then grabbed a cart, wheeled it around the store while filming himself on a phone.

A store manager pulled a fire alarm, urged people to leave, and when the man exited the store through an emergency exit he was detained at gunpoint by an off-duty fire-fighter until police arrived.

The Springfield Police Department could not confirm the nature of statements said by the man to those inside of the Walmart, but they do confirm that the man had loaded weapons, and over one hundred rounds of ammunition.

Police also observed many shoppers hiding outside the Walmart and at nearby businesses.

Lieutenant Mike Lucas said it was clear the man's intent was to cause chaos, saying in part, “His intent was not to cause peace or comfort…He's lucky he's alive still, to be honest.”

More craziness.

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