AZ-Sen: Navy SEAL In McSally (R) Ad Defended Waterboarding, War Criminals & Downplayed COVID-19

Ex-Navy SEAL, Eli Crane, is also the CEO of the Arizona-based company, Bottle Breacher. He’s also been featured on Shark Tank and is also in U.S. Senator Martha McSally’s (R. AZ) latest re-election ad. Now here’s something you may not know: x YouTube Video What the ad doesn't mention is the fact that Crane, who…

5 Things You May Not Know About Waterboarding

5 Things You May Not Know About Waterboarding President Theodore Roosevelt had General Jacob H. Smith court-martial for not preventing waterboarding on the island of Samar during the Spanish American War of 1898 in the Philippines Japanese soldiers were sentence to death after WWII for waterboarding Allied troops In 1957 the French government ban the…