Michael Moore nervous but thinks the landslide is on the horizon. Let's remember this.

2016 left quicksand under the feet of many as what they thought was a certainty was not realized. Michael Moore and others foresaw it. Is Michael Moore no longer very worried? x x YouTube Video See full episodes here. Before I get started, here is my ask. If you have any worries about this election's…

a bloodbath on the horizon: 181 Turkish airstrikes so far

Turkish bombardment continues prior to a Turkish ground advance over the border. At least 16 Kurdish fighters have been killed by Turkish forces. #Turkey has already conducted 181 airstrikes in the area. Civilian casualties are unknown. These attacks and the death toll are on the President’s hands. #Syria https://t.co/vrGp4cFy1i — Steve Cohen (@RepCohen) October 10,…