John Boehner gets around to bashing fellow Ohioan Jim Jordan

Former House Speaker John Boehner has been on quite a roll lately as he plugs his book On the House: A Washington Memoir. In a clip from the audio version of his book, Boehner told Sen. Ted Cruz to go fuck himself, which, as Cruz’s former Princeton roommate Craig Mazin can confirm, Ted has some experience…

Trump has reportedly turned on Lindsey Graham over Obama-bashing strategy

The redoubtable Gabe Sherman has another dispatch from the land of cray-cray kookaburras. And in this episode of the Fluorescent Lipo-Fat Golem Show, our intrepid protagonist is heartlessly tossing his most loyal puppies under the sputtering Trump Train. Seems Trump doesn’t think his campaign team is doing a good job of spinning his congealing couch sharts…