Trump thinks about climate change 'all the time,' but he clearly doesn't understand it

Really? Noooooooo! This was pointed out yesterday by Philip Bump of The Washington Post after his colleague, Philip Rucker, asked Trump whether he thinks about climate change. Trump’s response: “I think about it all the time, Phil. And, honestly, climate change is very important to me. And, you know, I’ve done many environmental impact statements…

Trump: 'I think I know more about the environment than most people'

Hey, don’t worry about anything — particularly not the environment. Donald Trump is on it.  Trump is an environmentalist — an environmentalist, I tells ya: From his logorrheic assault on logic and consensus reality at the G7: “I think I know more about the environment than most people. I want clean air. I want clean water….

At G20, the whole world agrees on climate action — except for Tweetle Dumb*ss

And the cheesed*ck stands alone. From Axios: In a joint declaration released Saturday, leaders of G20 nations reaffirmed their commitment to fighting climate change by upholding the Paris Agreement — with the exception of the U.S. The United States reiterates its decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, and affirms its strong commitment to economic…