Trump thinks about climate change 'all the time,' but he clearly doesn't understand it

Really? Noooooooo!

This was pointed out yesterday by Philip Bump of The Washington Post after his colleague, Philip Rucker, asked Trump whether he thinks about climate change.

Trump’s response:

“I think about it all the time, Phil. And, honestly, climate change is very important to me. And, you know, I’ve done many environmental impact statements over my life, and I believe very strongly in very, very crystal clear, clean water and clean air. That’s a big part of climate change.”

This reminds me of the time he said he got through the Mueller investigation by thinking about God. He thinks about neither. He thinks about banging porn stars and when the McRib might come back.

And how do we know he doesn’t think about climate change? Well, first of all, he’s Trump. And secondly, he clearly doesn’t understand anything about it.

As Bump points out:

Perhaps we should have suggested you spot the myriad problems with the response. Starting, obviously, with his suggestion that environmental impact assessments for construction projects have any bearing on the subject at hand.
More important, Trump’s suggestion that clean air and clean water are “a big part of climate change” is accurate only with a remarkably generous interpretation of his comments.

Environmentalists often describe greenhouse gas emissions as air pollution. The Supreme Court, in the 2007 case Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency, ruled that carbon dioxide emissions could be regulated under the pollution prevention regulations of the Clean Air Act. But, again, ascribing this use of “clean air” to Trump’s linking air quality to climate change is really, really generous.

And Bump also notes that Trump often conflates climate change with unrelated environmental concerns — like the shrinking of the ozone layer:

At other points, Trump would lump this “carbon footprint” argument into a complaint that he couldn’t use hair spray anymore because it was bad for the ozone layer — another archaic reference to past environmental fights.

So, no, Trump doesn’t understand climate change. On environmental matters, his head is stuck in the ‘50s. I mean, this is a guy who still loves asbestos. And he thinks the banning of chlorofluorocarbons in hair sprays (you know, to keep the sun from frying us all) is somehow part of a sinister plot against him. How could anyone possibly get him to take climate change seriously?

On these issues, Trump is irredeemable. He can’t be educated. Only a new president can fix what’s broken in our environmental policies.

Big news! Pennyfarthing’s Trump-bashing series is now a trilogy! Get your copy of Dear Pr*sident A**clown: 101 More Rude Letters to Donald Trump by Aldous J. Pennyfarthing. It’s hot off the presses, yo! And, of course, Dear F*cking Lunatic: 101 Obscenely Rude Letters to Donald Trump and Dear F*cking Moron: 101 More Letters to Donald Trump are still selling like lukewarm-cakes. Reviewers have called these books “hysterically funny,” “cathartic,” and “laugh-out-loud” diversions from our temporary hell on Earth. Don’t delay. Click those links!

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