Slow News Day in KY: GOP Establishment Does Not Like Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY 4th).

Seems some folks in the Republican establishment want to send a message to Republican Congressman Thomas Massie (KY-4th):  we don’t like you being a pain in the ass.  Phillip M. Bailey of the Courier-Journal has a couple of sources who confirmed that the GOP establishment is trying to recruit a primary challenger to Tea Party…

The Heartlessness of Congressman Thomas Massie and Senator Mitch McConnell.

Yeah, the Louisvile Courier-Journal highlights the heartlessness of Republican Congressman Thomas Massie (KY-4th) with his vote AGAINST back pay for furloughed federal workers, but why is there NOT another update on the heartlessness of Senate Majority “Leader” Mitch McConnell?  It’s McConnell who is supporting Trump in this government shutdown.  It’s McConnell who could force Trump…