Protester dressed as Grim Reaper haunts newly reopened Florida beaches

The only way this could be better is if Max von Sydow were still alive so this Grim Reaper dude could play chess with him on the beach. Daniel Uhlfelder, a lawyer from Florida, is protesting the reopening of Florida’s beaches in the coolest, most blunt way one can — by dressing as the Grim Reaper…

Boom! Pelosi calls McConnell 'Moscow Mitch'

Careful, Nancy. He really, really hates being called Moscow Mitch. Hates it. The Hill: Pelosi invoked the “Moscow Mitch” moniker while referring to McConnell's embrace of his portrayal as the “Grim Reaper” blocking House Democrats' progressive policies from moving forward in the Senate. “We all want to invest in building our democracy and saving it from any enemies, foreign…

Brand That Nickname of “Grim Reaper” To Moscow Mitch Too.

<I know I took a break from blogging, but there is a critical life threatening intersection between gun violence, racism, and Republican politics that compelled me to get off the sidelines for now.> I am no communication expert, but the recent tragic mass shootings in El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH require those of us…