Does Kavanaugh friend's yearbook entry help confirm Swetnick's story?

It’s difficult to see unless you click on the tweet below, but the entry the little yellow hand is pointing to says “Killer Qs and 151.” It’s from the Georgetown Prep yearbook entry of Brett Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate Donald Urgo. Seems pretty cryptic, but there’s a possible (and surprisingly compelling) explanation that ties directly…

One of the 64 women who backed Kavanaugh in open letter now appears to be backing off

Brett Kavanaugh is having quite a week. The latest? One of the 64 women who signed onto the (in)famous letter of support for Kavanaugh that appeared almost instantly after Christine Blasey Ford made her allegations against the beleaguered SCOTUS nom is more or less backing away from her endorsement. According to The New York Times, the woman, Renate Schroeder Dolphin, who…