23 days of idiocy remain, and Rasmussen wrongly quotes Stalin to promote a Pence coup

Trump cannot still win simply because an alternate universe presents different electors while he litigates in this one. Only feeble stunts remain. Even the Trump DC hotel has conceded the election, freeing hotel rooms previously reserved for a Trump inaugural. Supporters of President Trump have made similar arguments that Pence, as president of the Senate, has…

PA Dems Go After GOP Idiot Who Compared Gov. Wolf's (D. PA) COVID-19 Response To Hitler & Stalin

Received this e-mail yesterday from the Pennsylvania Democratic Party: At a recent PA legislative hearing, GOP Representative Cris Dush made an absurd and insensitive comment likening Pennsylvania's COVID-19 response to the regimes of Hitler and Stalin. x YouTube Video In times of crisis, we need more from state government than self-absorbed Republican theatrics. Nearly 2,500 Pennsylvanians…