The Daily Bucket: Saving the Redwoods #3; We Knocked off a Gas Station.

An Oregon developer of a proposed gas station next to a creek and wetlands has withdrawn his application. In short:  Victory! Withdrawn App, how sweet the sound, Saving trees … thirty feet around. They were doomed on this place, but now are saved, thanks to Grace. The nearby neighborhoods’ coveys of bird watchers and Lake…

Save the Redwoods, Part II: When Billy Heron helped unite a community

It’s especially hard to organize folks these days. You can’t call a meeting.   It’s tough to talk and listen with masks on. Yet suburban folks west of Portland Oregon are organizing against a  developer’s plans to build a Chevron gas station/mini-mart adjacent to wetlands, big trees, and a Park Greenway. On just a few weeks…

The Daily Bucket–Save The Redwoods

I’m just an old race horse out to pasture, pawing the ground when the race track bugle sounds.  I still read the local public notices about developments, reflecting back on 40 years of environmental challenges, wishing someone was doing some more challenging. And then something happened.  I am terrible at this but I’m the only one…