A COVID-19 survivor details her ordeal – Evangelical Leaders lead the flock to an abyss

A COVID-19 survivor, Virginia Parks, describes her experience and gives us advice. Many Evangelical Leaders continue leading toward the abyss. Virginia Parks survived COVID-19 x x YouTube Video Politics Done Right Live weekdays @ 3:00 PM Central Video Zoom: LINK — Live Calls: (346)248-7799 ID:254 0 9091 Topics: Virginia Parks, an activist, and COVID-19 survivor, speaks…

Granny's ordeal: Dealing with an inhumane healthcare system

Have you been to a hospital complex lately? In Houston, they are constantly building them or upgrading them. They are beautiful. But the health care they provide sucks your wealth and our tax dollars. It is an evil enterprise. I owned a software development company. I have always carried my own private insurance with very high…