Trumpian Festivus and Dirty Grandpa Rudy: there can't be enough spoilers in 2020

The Trumpian grievance tour continues: Today in North Carolina, apparently the Trump campaign cares about whether a terrorist conspiracy gets to fly its flag. In a car-rally in Philadelphia, PBO dragged Trump about that bank account in China. x A Trump campaign worker ahead of the President’s rally in Gastonia, NC, is informing attendees as…

Festivus, but what for the Rest of Us

I was transported yesterday from the East Room of the White House back to 1997 when the President spoke yesterday before an assembled group of embarrassing open-mouthed American political seals. In that year, the Seinfeld episode entitled the Strike aired December 18, 1997 and introduced the pseudo-celebratory idea of Festivus. As one of its’ tenants…