Britain's Ambassador to US Says Trump is Inept and His Administration is “Dysfunctional”

Sir Kim Darroch has been Britain’s ambassador to the US since January 2016, and is ranked as one of the UK’s top diplomats. (Unlike the US, Britain sends professionals to its major postings.) Part of his job is to provide accurate and unvarnished analyses of his host country back to the home office, analyses which…

Leaked cables from UK ambassador describe Trump as 'inept,' 'insecure,' 'incompetent'

Breaking news! The U.K. ambassador to the United States has eyes! And they’re attached to his brain! Which functions as it should! CNN: Cables sent from the United Kingdom's Ambassador to the United States to the British Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO) describe President Donald Trump as “inept,” “insecure” and “incompetent,” a UK government official confirms…