Republican Congressman Shimkus Withdraws Support from Trump… Illinois Congressman John Shimkus has told a St. Louis area radio station that Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw US troops from northern Syria is “terrible and despicable”. Shimkus goes on to tell KMOX's Mark Reardon that he told staff “to take my name off the I support Donald Trump list” and that he is “saddened…

Congressman Shimkus faces backlash for facebook fracking support

Illinois' most embarrassing Congressman, John Shimkus, faced an outraged backlash for pro-fracking statements he made on facebook. He's already well known as a climate change denier and conspiracy theorist on the fringe of the energy debate. Although there's a long tradition of coal mining in his district, fracking is very controversial. Shimkus has a steady…

Who Are The Top Five Fossil Fools in Illinois Politics?

Illinois may be more famous for imprisoned Governors, but as a coal state struggling with its energy future, some of our politicians have wacky things to say about fossil fuels. With the threatened start of fracking plus backlash to EPA proposing new rules on carbon emissions, you can expect more foolishness to come. Since election…