White House aides think Trump's visits to El Paso and Dayton were a 'debacle'

What!? You mean that thumbs-up photo with the orphaned baby didn’t play well with the all-important non-reptile demo? You don’t say.

Apparently (though Donald Trump will tell you differently), the pr*sident’s visits to Dayton and El Paso — including the non-photo-op photo ops — didn’t go so well on Wednesday. That’s what White House aides will privately tell you, anyway. (Say, folks, maybe think about saying some of this stuff publicly every once in a while just to, you know, save us all from choking to death on radioactive ash or whatever. ‘kay?)

Talking Points Memo:

“Does the White House think this visit went well, Maggie?” CNN host John Berman asked New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman on Thursday.

“No, they don’t,” Haberman replied. “Most people, while they would, I suspect, not say it publicly, will privately admit that yesterday was something of a debacle, that these were not the headlines they wanted to see.”

“They wanted him to go in and behave differently,” she continued. “The goal was for him to go in and get out while making as little news as possible.”

They wanted him to behave differently, huh? I want a time machine, a wheelbarrow full of duct tape, and a Williams-Sonoma melon baller so I can go back to 1945 and quietly remove Fred Trump’s testicles. It’s not going to happen, though.


Seriously, how do you fuck up one consolation visit, much less two? Any nonsociopathic human being with a pulse could do this part of the job. What does that tell you about Donald J. Trump?

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