We’re Already Early Voting in Illinois—Help Progressives Win!

We’re Already Early Voting in Illinois—Help Progressives Win!

In solidarity,  Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F., Mike H., Janis, Dan, Donna, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team

Early Voting Has Already Begun In Illinois
Pitch In To Elect Progressive Marie Newman


Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) endorsed Marie Newman because she is the compassionate, intelligent, effective progressive leader Northern Illinois needs. Please vote for Marie if you’re registered in IL-03, and get all of your friends to vote for her as well!

In Illinois, to vote for Marie Newman or any other Democrat(s), you must request a Democratic ballot. Everywhere else: Leave nothing to chance! Please check your registration status, and register as a Democrat if necessary to vote for our endorsed candidates in your primaries.

Marie is fighting for all of us by working to: close the income gap, promote good jobs and labor rights, expand educational opportunities, demand sustainable infrastructure, and more.

She is challenging conservative anti-choice corporatist incumbent Democrat Dan Lipinski in IL-03, located in old Chicago neighborhoods, the south and west suburbs of Chicago, and stretching to parts of DuPage and Will Counties. She nearly won in 2018, and with our help she can win in this safe Democratic district.


Please support Marie’s and PDA’s efforts
with a gift of $500, $50, $10, or $5 today!


Join PDA Defying The Establishment
Help Elect Progressive Marie Newman


Money Tight? Then Volunteer to Make Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Calls from Your Home

Progressive Democrats of America is proud to stand with Marie Newman, especially as the corporate-funded Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) blacklists and threatens pollsters, consultants, and vendors to sabotage progressive challengers including Marie.

While DCCC Chair Cheri Bustos and other establishment Dems prop up conservative GOP Lite incumbents—including Dan Lipinski—PDA keeps working to put democracy back in the Democratic Party.

Illinois’ 3rd district needs Marie Newman—a strong progressive leader—not Dan Lipinski who only reluctantly voted for the DREAM Act and the Equality Act in 2019, and that was because he felt pressure from Marie’s challenge.

Even then, Lipinski still expressed concerns about conflicts with so-called “religious liberties.” Let’s be clear: the USA is a democracy, not a theocracy. No one’s personal “liberty” trumps the basic civil rights of others.

Lipinski is also out of touch on healthcare. Marie knows we need Medicare For All, but Lipinski keeps voting to defund health clinics that provide abortion services and even voting against the Affordable Care Act. Bottom line is, he votes like a Republican too often. We can do better.

Marie says, “Our leaders in Congress need to address the growing cost of everyday life in this country and fight for real solutions that make life easier to live, like Medicare for All.” If you agree, please pitch in to help Marie win.

Marie is champion for the policies Illinois and America need. As she explains, “I am a vocal supporter of the Green New Deal resolution and platform because I recognize that we are near the end of the road in terms of mitigating the disastrous effects of climate change.”

She adds, “If we want to leave our planet inhabitable, as we know it today, for our children and grandchildren we absolutely need comprehensive policies like the Green New Deal.”

Voting is already underway! Volunteer to Make Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Calls from Your Home. No time to volunteer? Then help Marie turn IL-03 a truer shade of blue with a donation of $50, $20.20, $10, or $5. We need fearless Progressive Democrats like Marie Newman in Congress.


P.S. Progressive victories don’t just happen. Click here to give $3, $5, or whatever you can afford to support PDA’s Win 2020 Victory Fund. Join PDA investing to elect progressive candidates in 2020:

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