WaPo fact-checker: This White House can't even get its statement honoring a fallen president right

Donald Trump’s official presidential statement honoring George H.W. Bush was pretty standard fare — meaning that it was respectful and somehow written above a third-grade level.

Which is how I know Trump didn’t write it. Had he written it himself, it would have been something pithier like “George H.W. Bush IS DEAD!” or “The media loves George Bush because he HATED TRUMP!”

Also, everything is spelled right, and it doesn’t make everyone with a high school degree or higher want to pry out their own eyeballs with a Taco Bell spork and shove them up a longshoreman’s asshole.

But that doesn’t mean the incompetently run White House managed to do the job correctly. Because of course it didn’t.

Per The Washington Post’s indefatigable fact-checker Glenn Kessler:


And we’re supposed to believe these clowns are part of a fine-tuned machine?

Well, come to think of it, maybe they are …



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