WA-Gov: Loren Culp (R) Echoes Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory About Wildfires Being “Coordinated Arson”

Fuck him:

Loren Culp, the Republican nominee running to unseat Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D), is pushing a conspiracy theory that many of the wildfires raging in the Pacific Northwest are the result of a coordinated arson campaign.
In a 13-minute campaign video posted to Culp’s YouTube late Wednesday, the gubernatorial candidate talks with two homeowners in a neighborhood that apparently was charred by the Cold Springs fire, near Omak.
“I know statewide there’s about 600,000 acres that have burned,” Culp said. “And a lot of them have apparently been set intentionally ― like this one. A couple people have been caught so far. Hopefully they investigate the heck out of this.”

Meanwhile, as Culp spreads bull shit conspiracy theories, Governor Jay Inslee (D. WA) is doing his job to help the state:

 Washington has asked FEMA and the Trump administration to declare a Major Disaster as wildfires continue burning across many counties in the state, Gov. Jay Inslee said Thursday.

Inslee said during a press briefing that he’s specifically asked FEMA to provide assistance for Whitman County, including shelter and other aid for those who have been displaced by the fires. The governor will also be requesting public assistance for additional counties in the coming weeks as conditions allow officials to carry out more assessments.

“I’m really hopeful the federal government will come through this time for Washingtonians who have lost so much,” Inslee said.

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