Uh Oh. Trump Allies Run To Tiger Beat To Tell Trump “Stop What You Are Doing!” On Ukraine.

If you need to get a message to Trump, it works better if you go on Fox, but Tiger Beat is the next best port of call for Trump allies.  And Trump allies are desperately trying to tell his all powerful wisdomness that Ukraine is a trap he made for himself. 

This time, some of those same allies say, Trump brought the Ukraine investigation on himself. One said it‘s “unseemly,” while others called it a “naive” and “stupid” mistake, to ask a foreign leader for a political favor.
“Russia was never real,” said an outside Trump adviser. “Ukraine is.”

High-level Trump supporters who have stood by the president for years are growing increasingly unsettled by his latest strategy of dismissing the latest fight as Russia 2.0. Half-a-dozen senior Republicans, including those who both talk directly to Trump and advise him on everything from campaign strategy to policy, communications and fundraising, said in interviews that they fear the president's plan to tie Russia and Ukraine could be ineffective because it dismisses the seriousness of the allegations and the fact that he admitted his actions.

Let’s skip over the “Russia was never real” BS for now.

I like the part where they call his Ukraine actions “stupid.”

And why would they as Trump advisors not tell Trump this sage advice in private?

Trump often likes to poll his confidants for strategic feedback. But the Trump allies said they’re reluctant to challenge the president directly in this case because he's so angry to be facing an impeachment inquiry and so convinced he didn't do anything wrong. Besides, Trump believes his strategy to combat the Russia investigation was a success.

Emboldened is mine.

I like that.  Trump is so pissed off that he will not listen to advice about this situation.  Trump believes that he triumphed with the Russia probe too.  I’m going to hazard a small prediction that Trump will not change his “strategy” about the Ukraine scandal any time soon.  This is good news for House Democrats IMHO.

And one other note in this story is that these Trump advisors think that impeachment will hurt Trump next year.  Yes, they are probably right that the Senate will not convict, but they do not buy into that fear that gripped Democrats that impeachment would “make Trump stronger.”

I want to stress that again.  Even Republicans do not believe that impeachment will benefit Trump.  Democrats who are still saying, “We are DOOMED for pursuing impeachment against Trump!” need to wake up and smell the coffee.

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