TX-Sen: New Poll Has MJ Hegar (D) & John Cornyn (R) Tied 41-41, Biden Beating Trump 49-45

Some very big news today out of Texas:

From the results:

Click here for the full results.

Now of course, that’s not the only Texas poll to come out today:

  • With minor party candidates included on the ballot, Trump has the support of 48% of Texas likely voters, Biden is at 47%, other candidates are at 3%, and only 1% of Texas likely voters say they are undecided.
  • Biden is winning 94% of Democrats, while Trump is winning 90% of Republicans. However, among pure Independents, 39% are for Biden compared to 48% for Trump.
  • In a closely watched U.S. Senate race in Texas, Republican incumbent Sen. John Cornyn has seen his lead cut in half in a race against Democratic challenger MJ Hegar. Cornyn, who previously led Hegar by 10 points a month ago, now polls at 49% to Hegar’s 44%, with 5% of voters undecided.

Presidential numbers:

It all comes down to turnout now and Beto O’Rourke is helping get out the vote. Received two e-mails today from Beto’s group, Powered By People. Here’s the first one:

Hi, thank you for signing up for a Socially Distanced Block Walk* with Beto happening on Saturday, October 31 at 12 PM CT.

We’ll send details on pickup location soon!

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

The Powered by People Team

*Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, Powered by People (“PBP”) is taking extra precautions to help ensure the safety of its supporters, staff, contractors, their families, and the public at large.  By attending one of our canvasses or events:

  1. You are certifying and representing that you are not experiencing any of the listed symptoms before or during the event.  To the extent that you begin to experience the symptoms below, you must not attend the event, or must leave the event immediately.

Symptoms of COVID-19 include: Fever, Fatigue, Dry Cough, Difficulty Breathing, Sore Throat, Loss of Taste and Smell.

You agree to the following:

  1. I will arrive to the event wearing a mask or face covering and wear it for the duration of my time at the event, and when not consuming food or beverage.  I will at all times possible distance myself from other people, other than those I arrive to the event with, by at least six (6) feet.  I agree to my wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or sanitize with a hand sanitizer with greater than 70% alcohol until my hands are dry.
  2. I understand the above symptoms and affirm that I, as well as those in my household, do not currently have, nor have experienced the symptoms above within the last 14 days.
  3. I affirm that I, as well as those in my household, have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 30 days.
  4. I affirm that I, as well as those in my household, have not knowingly been exposed to anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 30 days.
  5. I affirm that I, as well as those in my household, have not traveled outside of the U.S. or to any city that is outside of our own that is or has been considered a “hot spot” for COVID-19 infections within the last 30 days.
  6. I understand that PBP cannot be held liable for any exposure to the COVID-19 virus or by any other contagion.
  7. You agree to each of the above statements and release PBP and any associated persons from any and all liability for the unintentional exposure of or harm from COVID-19.  This release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as legally permissible.  Failure to adhere to the above will result in ejection from the event.

Click here to sign up.

Click here to review the canvassing guide.

Also received this one:

Early voting in Texas ends tomorrow! And we need to turn out as many voters as possible if we’re going to flip Texas.

That’s why Golden State Warriors Head Coach Steve Kerr is teaming up with Beto for a virtual Get Out The Vote phone bank tonight! Can you join them at 5:30pm CT to help turn out voters for the most important election of our lives?

New polling about the state of the race in Texas shows Donald Trump and Joe Biden TIED and pollsters have called Texas a toss-up – but we know that we can’t take polls for granted. We have to work hard and reach as many voters as possible to make this poll a reality.

That’s why hundreds of volunteers from around the country – including Steve Kerr – are signing up to turn out Texas voters before early voting ends. Because at the end of the day on November 3rd, it’s all going to come down to whether enough voters turned out in Texas.

Don’t leave anything on the table.

See you on Zoom,

The Powered by People team

Click here to RSVP.

Click here for other events.

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