TX & AK-Sen: Planned Parenthood Action Fund Goes All In To Win A Democratic Senate Majority

Some big news today from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund:


Today, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund (Action Fund) announced its endorsements of MJ Hegar in Texas and Dr. Al Gross in Alaska for the U.S. Senate, along with House challengers Dr. Pritesh Gandhi (TX-10), Phil Arballo (CA-22), and Hillary Scholten (MI-03). As the nation struggles to address the COVID-19 pandemic, it is clear how urgently we need champions in Congress who will protect the health and rights of everyone in America, and who will show strong leadership in the face of a crisis.

This announcement is part of the Action Fund’s continued endorsement of federal candidates committed to reproductive health and rights around the country.

Statement from Alexis McGill Johnson, acting President, Planned Parenthood Action Fund:

“During this public health crisis, it’s more clear than ever that we need champions like MJ Hegar and Dr. Al Gross in the U.S. Senate. As a doctor, Al Gross has seen firsthand how health care access has changed his patients’ lives in Alaska and he has committed to protecting reproductive rights if he is elected. And MJ Hegar has boldly made protecting Medicare and other essential health care programs a central issue in her campaign in Texas.

“For years, Republican leadership in the White House and Senate have pushed policy after policy to undermine our health care — trying to strip health care coverage for millions, endangering reproductive health and rights, and leaving us woefully unprepared to respond as COVID-19 sweeps across the nation. Americans deserve to have representatives in Congress who put them first. We know MJ and Al will fight tirelessly to make sure every person — regardless of their income or their ZIP code — has access to the health care they need.”

Of course we also need to expand our majority in the House but the Senate is where we also need to a majority. Click here if you want to donate directly to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Click below if you want to donate and get involved with the candidates campaigns directly:

Dr. Al Gross (I. AK)

MJ Hegar (D. TX)

Dr. Pritesh Gandhi (TX-10)

Phil Arballo (CA-22)

Hillary Scholten (MI-03)

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