TX-21: Paul Begala Helps Wendy Davis (D) Defeat GOP Dumb Ass Who Called Coronavirus Relief “Welfare”

Received this e-mail from Democratic Strategist, Paul Begala, in support of Wendy Davis’ (D. TX-21) congressional campaign:

Paul Begala

Our campaign understands that this is a very difficult time for our country. We hope that, first and foremost, you are staying safe during the coronavirus pandemic and only pitch in a donation if you can afford to do so. Campaign staff are working remotely to do our part in containing the spread of the virus, and we've canceled public events for the next several weeks. Now more than ever, we're committed to fighting for the people of TX-21 and ensuring everyone has what they need to stay safe and healthy.

      This is personal to me, friend. Wendy Davis is a friend of mine. I've known her since she was a crusading state senator fighting a lonely battle for women's rights. She is Texas-tough and Harvard-smart.

      But even if I did not know Wendy, a cold, clear-eyed look at her race tells me she can win – if we give her the funding support she needs.

      As a former presidential advisor and strategist to some of the biggest campaigns in the country, take it from me: We need Wendy Davis to win in TX-21 to defend our Democratic House majority.

Former State Senator Wendy Davis (D. TX) filibustering extreme anti-choice legislation.

      But with only hours until her biggest FEC deadline of the campaign, Wendy's still falling $7,219 short of her goal. Can you step up for Wendy right now and rush a donation of $3 to win in Texas and expand our House majority?

      More than any other fundraising deadline for a campaign, FEC goals are the be-all and end-all. Wendy's opponent, the political pundits, national GOP interests – they'll all be watching to assess the strength and momentum of this campaign.

      And more eyes will be on this race than most, friend. Experts from POLITICO to the Cook Political Report rank Wendy's race as one of the biggest House battles in the country.

That's why – to put it as plainly as possible – Wendy cannot miss this goal if she wants to win in November and flip TX-21 blue.

      National Republicans are COUNTING on folks like you to sit this one out. I'm asking you to prove them wrong and rally to Wendy's side right now.

Please rush a contribution of $3 or more – whatever you can spare before Wendy's huge FEC deadline – to win in Texas and defend our Democratic House majority.

      Thank you,

      Paul Begala

Click here to donate to Davis’ campaign.

P.S. Yes, Chip Roy did block Coronavirus relief funding because he called it “welfare”.

Six Texas Republicans voted against the coronavirus relief package that sailed through the House early Saturday morning.

The sweeping legislation includes free testing for COVID-19 for people without insurance, as well as paid sick leave, $1 billion in food aid, extended unemployment benefits and other measures to help Americans affected by the spreading virus.

Freshman Rep. Chip Roy, R-Austin, called it “welfare” that would do “more harm than good” — an assertion that prompted Democrats to accuse him of pulling a “political stunt” that puts Texans at risk.

The House approved the bill 363-40, with the vast majority of Texans in both parties voting for it and touting the $2.2 billion it provides for prevention, preparedness and response.

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