Tulsi Gabbard claims Dems partially to blame for shutdown

Thanks for playing, Tulsi. You were already dangling by the most gossamer of threads. And now your failure is complete.

From Politico:

Hawaii congresswoman and Democratic candidate for president Tulsi Gabbard said Sunday that her party’s leadership was not blameless for the partial government shutdown that is now approaching a month, accusing both sides of posturing and refusing to compromise.

“The problem here is that this issue, like so many others in Washington, are being relegated to partisan politics,” she said in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“Where if a Republican is putting forward a proposal, Democrats are going to shoot it down. If Democrats are putting forward a proposal, Republicans are going to shoot it down, really thinking about which party can call a win on this issue.”

Uh, no, Tulsi.

The issue here is that Republicans put forward a monumentally stupid proposal and Democrats refuse to consider it … because it’s monumentally stupid. Meanwhile, reasonable proposals, like allowing contributing members of society who technically aren’t citizens (but know no home other than the U.S.) to stay in this country and continue to contribute, are shot down by Republicans frothing racists.

There simply aren’t two equal and opposite sides to this story.

It already looks like we’re going to have too many qualified candidates. There’s just no room left in my brain space for an unqualified pretender who doesn't know patent nonsense when she sees it.

Auf wiedersehen …



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