Trump's horde has new disgusting rallying cry: 'Send her back'

This guy. What a fucking asshole.

This is about as clever as these budding Voltaires are ever going to get, but that doesn’t mean this “cheer” — a clear reference to Rep. Ilhan Omar — won’t gain traction. I mean, “lock her up” and “Deutschland über alles” were huge hits, right? (Godwin’s Law is suspended, remember?)

How lazy. How boorish. How crass. How deeply, deeply un-American.

Okay, Trump. You’ve found your bugbear. And — oh, what a surprise — she’s black, female, and Muslim. Way to go back to the same poison well over and over and over again.

We’re way, way past needing our “have you no sense of decency?” moment.


This fucking guy.

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