Trump waved to 'lone supporter' on his first visit to NYC since being 86'd from Washington

Don’t ask me how I stumbled onto the New York Post website. I’d like to say it was during the tail end of a turpentine-and-bath-salts bender, but no. I was sober and alert. And now my computer is chock-full of Murdochian mildew, thank you very much.

These are the kinds of sacrifices I make for my readers.

That said, even the reliably Trumpian tabloid is, if not actively trolling him, at the very least refusing to bend over backwards to pretend he’s somehow not a disgraced, kazoo-playing clown sphincter.

Because, you see, when he showed up in Manhattan last night—the town where he first made a shitty name for himself—he wasn’t exactly given a hero’s welcome.

Former President Donald Trump was spotted outside Trump Tower Sunday night in his first visit back to the Big Apple since leaving office.

Trump pulled up to the Midtown skyscraper where he stays while in Manhattan just before 9 p.m.

He was seated in the backseat of a black SUV. Upon his arrival, he waved to a lone supporter who was across the street next to the media.

Hmm, I had no idea Lindsey Graham was in town. How pathetic.

Now, this wasn’t exactly a Tulsa-style repudiation, but it can’t have been fun for a man with an ego nearly as big as his neck wattle.

“Lone supporter.”

March | 2018 | this is charlie's blog boi

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Hoist a cup of tranya to Donald Trump’s defenestration, y’all.

My cup overfloweth these days with sweet, delicious schadenfreude.

”This guy is a natural. Sometimes I laugh so hard I cry.” — Bette Midler on author Aldous J. Pennyfarthing via Twitter. Say “ba-bye” to the former guy. The long-anticipated EPILOGUE to Aldous J. Pennyfarthing’s Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump is now available for FREE. Download your copy at this link! And don’t forget to check out the rest of AJP’s oeuvre here.

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